For Faith-Driven Women Ready to Embrace Confidence and Simplify Their Style

Create a Custom Capsule Wardrobe: Embrace Simplicity, Boost Confidence, and Infuse Fun into Your Authentic Style


Reclaim your Style and Recharge your Mornings: Get Dressed and Be Radiant in a Wardrobe that Reflects your Inner Beauty




You’re required to wear clothes, but you’re totally fed up with…

Researching capsule wardrobes but not resonating with the boring, beige options online.

Hunting for chic, modest outfits that genuinely resonate with your sense of self, but encountering only superficial trends.

Trying various style guides and fashion blogs to define your personal style, but you still don't understand YOUR style.

Struggling to feel confident when you look in the mirror and not enjoying the woman staring back at you.

Experimenting with different clothing styles and trends, hoping to find a sense of personal expression, but it has left you feeling even more disconnected from your authentic self.

What does it actually take to feel confident and beautiful?


Instead, discover how to find contentment and simplicity with a Capsule Wardrobe

IMagine the possibilities when you…

Learn how to build your own customized capsule wardrobe that reflects your unique personality, so that you actually love the clothes you own.

Experience the joy and fulfillment of finding modest and fashionable clothing options that align perfectly with your faith and values, so you don’t feel FOMO with every new trend.

Define your personal style with guidance that goes beyond generic style guides and blogs, so that you finally feel confident in your outfits and clothing choices.

Boost your confidence every morning as you see a radiant reflection in the mirror, ready to take on the day without feeling self-conscious about your body.

Embrace personal expression through your wardrobe, feeling deeply connected to every piece you own, so that you are communicating who you are to everyone you meet.


I used to be just like you, frustrated and overwhelmed at the prospect of getting dressed.

Feeling frumpy and lost, I would wear whatever was clean, completely disconnected from any sense of style. When I discovered capsule wardrobes, it felt like the solution I had been searching for.

However, the journey from inspiration to a functional, personalized capsule was more challenging than anticipated.

Implementing a capsule proved difficult as I experienced failure after failure.

It wasn’t until I learned about color and found my unique style that I began to create a capsule wardrobe that was perfect for me.

Now, I have the capsule wardrobe of my dreams. Every piece is curated with love, reflecting my unique style. I’m excited to wear everything in my closet, easily saying no to trends that don’t suit me.

I’m excited to wear everything in my closet, easily saying no to trends that don’t suit me. And I want the same closet freedom for you.

Transform your approach to fashion with a capsule wardrobe that’s as unique and authentic as you are.


All it takes are

3 Simple Steps

To Embark on a Path of Effortless Style and Inner Confidence


Image and Identity

Before you can change your wardrobe, you need to understand the person it’s dressing. In this foundational phase, you’ll dive deep into your identity in Christ and how your current body image affects your personal style.


Color and Style

The heart of your transformation, this phase teaches you to build a strong foundation for your personal style. Inspired by the beauty of God’s creation, you’ll create mood boards, define your color palette, and set style goals that resonate with your unique, authentic self.


Capsule Wardrobe

With a strong style foundation in place, you’ll learn to curate a capsule wardrobe that serves you year-round. This phase focuses on stewardship, planning, and reflection, teaching you to build a versatile wardrobe without the clutter of unnecessary pieces.


Welcome to…

Radiant by Design

Unlock Your Radiant Beauty. Unleash Your Authentic Self.

Say goodbye to wardrobe woes and hello to style that celebrates your uniqueness and simplifies your life.


what’s inside


Image and Identity

Unlock Confidence and Radiance


Identity in Christ

Explore your worth through biblical teachings, recognizing God’s immense love and sacrifice for you, while integrating this value into your clothing choices.

Body Image

Embrace your true identity in Christ as you learn to see yourself through God’s eyes, fostering a positive body image.

Self Image Journal

Embark on a 14-day journey to transform your inner dialogue, paving the way for external transformation.


Color and Style

Discover Authentic Style


Mood Board

Delve into the splendor of God’s creation through a unique lens, discovering how colors and their symbolism intertwine with your personal style journey.

Color Palette

Create a color plan for your wardrobe which allows you to express your preferences and what you find beautiful in nature.

Style Goals

Define what you want to say when other people see you by getting clear on how your style communicates who you are.


Capsule Wardrobe

Simplify and Elevate Your Wardrobe


Style Stewardship

Discover the synergy of stewardship, contentment, and a minimalist capsule wardrobe, empowering you to curate a purposeful closet aligned with your values.

Plan Your Capsule

Utilize a proven framework to build a capsule wardrobe with all the right pieces, tailored to your unique and authentic personal style.

Style Study

 Review and reflect upon your wardrobe and current style to make new discoveries on what is working and what you can change.

Get instant access to

All of these resources



Radiant by Design Collective💞🎉 

Accountability Partners

Find like-minded style buddies for mutual encouragement, setting and achieving style goals.

Monthly Style Swap

Exchange clothing, accessories, and beauty products in our exciting style swap parties.

Weekly Style Challenges

Dive into fun and creative weekly challenges that energize your style journey.

Inspiring Member Spotlights:

Discover real stories and diverse styles through our monthly member spotlights.



Personalized Support

Live Q&A

Join monthly Q&A sessions for personalized style advice and insights from experts.

Exclusive Content

Access new monthly content, including workshops, planners, worksheets, and seasonal tips.

Engagement and Encouragement

Share struggles, celebrate wins, and get advice from supportive, faith-filled women.

Connect and Elevate

Make lasting connections, elevate your confidence, and embrace your authentic style.


Will this really make a difference in my style and confidence, or have I seen it all before?

Then let me reassure you…

This has the potential to revolutionize your self-image, empower your confidence, and redefine your personal style, for less than the price of ONE piece of clothing.

9 Detailed Lessons for a Holistic Transformation

Dive into nine meticulously designed lessons that guide you through self-image enhancement, color and style mastery, and building capsule wardrobe confidence—each crafted to fit into your life seamlessly.

Seasonal Capsule Wardrobe Guides for Year-Round Inspiration

Receive tailored guides for creating your custom capsule wardrobe with the versatile seasonal framework, ensuring you’re prepared and stylish for every season.

Comprehensive Tools for Deep Self-Reflection

Equip yourself with an array of workbooks, planners, and journals designed to help you see and appreciate your true self through God’s loving perspective.

Dynamic Facebook Group for Community Support

Join our dedicated Facebook Group for a dose of daily inspiration, accountability, and a sense of belonging as you connect with like-minded individuals on similar journeys.

Personalized Feedback to Elevate Your Style

Benefit from constructive feedback on your style evolution within our supportive community, helping you refine your image with confidence.

Monthly Live Q&A for Ongoing Guidance

Have your style queries addressed directly by a professional image consultant in our live Q&A sessions, ensuring you’re supported every step of the way.

Fresh Monthly Content to Keep Your Style Evolving

Stay engaged with new content added monthly, keeping your style journey fresh and aligned with the latest insights for continuous growth and refinement.

Total Value = $100

Today’s Price = Only $7


This Membership is for

2 Types of Christian Women


Seeking Simplicity

You’re on a quest for a life unburdened by the clutter of excess clothing. You’re yearning for a closet filled with clothes you love and easy mornings where you get dressed in 5 minutes.


Craving Confidence

You stand at the threshold of rediscovery, as you’re entering a new period in life. You’re ready to shed the negative style experiences in your past and discover and embrace the uniquely beautiful you.

Total Value = $100

Today’s Price = Only $7

What members say

Testimonials from my clients


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is this membership suitable for beginners with little to no style experience?

A: Absolutely! Our program is designed for all levels, including complete beginners. We provide step-by-step guidance and resources to ensure your style journey is accessible and empowering.

Q: How do I balance my faith values with personal style?

A: We understand the importance of aligning style with your faith. Our program integrates biblical teachings and principles to help you curate a wardrobe that reflects your values while expressing your unique personality.

Q: Is there a community where I can connect with like-minded women?

A: Yes, our vibrant community of like-minded women is an integral part of the program. You’ll have the opportunity to connect, share experiences, and support each other on this transformative journey.

Q: Can you provide more details about the live Q&A sessions and how I can participate?

A: Our live Q&A sessions are interactive opportunities for you to engage directly with our experts. These sessions are scheduled regularly and hosted via Facebook lives. You can submit your questions in advance or participate in real-time, receiving personalized guidance and insights.

Q: What types of tangible deliverables can I expect to receive as part of the program?

A: As a member, you’ll receive a wealth of tangible resources, including worksheets, workbooks, style guides, planners, affirmation cards, and more. These materials are designed to support your journey and provide practical tools for building confidence and enhancing your personal style.

Q: How does the program address body positivity and encourage a healthy self-image?

A; Our program places a strong emphasis on body neutrality and cultivating a healthy Biblical self-image. We provide guided activities and discussions that explore the concept of inner beauty, self-acceptance, and neutral body language. You’ll learn to celebrate your unique features and embrace your God-given beauty.

Q: What can I expect in terms of new content and access each month?

A: Each month, you’ll receive fresh and valuable content tailored to your style journey. This includes new style guides, interactive workshops, live Q&A sessions, and downloadable resources. Each resource will be available for one month so you can take fast action, then it will be archived.

Q: How do I cancel my membership if needed?

A: While we hope you’ll find immense value in our membership, we understand that circumstances may change. To cancel your membership, simply email admin@radiantlydressed to request cancellation. Please note that any cancellation requests should be submitted before your next billing cycle to avoid further charges. Your access will continue until the end of your current billing period.


Happiness Guarantee

Q: Is there a money-back guarantee?

A: Due to the digital nature of these products, no refunds are granted. We want you to be happy with your transformation, however, so please reach out to admin@radiantlydressed.com to discuss options.






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